Any job search can be challenging but there’s no denying that part-time jobs can be more difficult to come by. There are often fewer part-time opportunities available, making it a pretty competitive market. Part-time employees can sometimes face stigma, too, and are often less likely to be offered promotions and growth opportunities.
So, why do people search for part-time work? There are many reasons why someone may want to secure a part-time job. They may want to work less so they have more time to dedicate to caring responsibilities, whether that’s for their children or family members. Part-time hours can also help reduce childcare costs; parents may work a day or two less per week in order to reduce the time their child spends in childcare. Some people choose to work part-time to pursue other passions or to develop their self-employed careers, or they might suffer from an illness or health condition that means they need to work reduced hours.
Whatever the reason, part-time roles are in demand but with so few to go around, how can you stand out and secure the right part-time role for you?
How to find a part-time job
1) Define what you are looking for from a part-time role
This should include the number of hours you’d like to work, the days you would like to work, and you should also consider whether you can offer any flexibility or whether you would need set shifts. Be sure to define this before starting your job search so you can filter appropriately when searching online or communicate this to any recruitment consultants supporting you with your search.
2) Don’t be afraid to ask
You see the perfect role advertised but, of course, it’s a full-time position. Back to the drawing board, right? Not necessarily! Don’t immediately assume that the employer is completely closed off to part-time applicants, especially if you are a strong candidate who can offer niche skills or experience. Share your CV and a well-written cover letter including relevant skills, experience and achievements with the recruitment consultant or hiring manager responsible for the role. Be sure to make it clear from the beginning that you would like to explore part-time options. If they are impressed by your credentials, they may consider so it’s always worth asking!
3) Search for jobs via part-time focused job boards
Some job boards exclusively post part-time positions so it is worth signing up to these so you can receive the latest part-time job alerts. When searching for roles on other job boards, be sure filter by ‘job type’ so you receive relevant results.
4) Make the most of networking opportunities
Whether on LinkedIn or at in-person events, networking is essential when looking for a new job. It’s who you know, after all! The more robust your professional network, the more likely you are to come across the right opportunities.
If you choose to network via LinkedIn, be sure to update your profile to state you are looking for part-time work.
5) Offer some flexibility
You may be looking for part-time work to benefit from the flexibility these roles can sometimes offer but it’s worth considering whether you can offer a potential employer some flexibility in return. For example, if you can only work certain days each week, can you be flexible on the times you work on those days? Or if you need reduced hours, can you still work every day? If you can offer some flexibility to ensure business needs are met, the employer may be more willing to consider taking you on on a part-time basis.
So, with that in mind, it’s time to start searching! Register for job alerts, start networking and consider everything you can bring to a potential role. This will put you in good stead to start your search with confidence.
If you’d like more job search advice or tips on how to find a part-time job, there is lots of advice over on our blog – here are 6 tips for a successful job search, and 5 mistakes you may be making when looking for a new opportunity.